5.1. The Parties undertake:
5.1.1. To ensure the completeness, timeliness, and accuracy of the transmitted and/or received Data.
5.1.2. To promptly inform each other of unforeseen failures in the operation of hardware and software, as well as of all events that may lead to difficulties in ensuring information exchange (changes in organizational structure, addresses, communication issues, and others).
5.1.3. To timely resolve issues related to interaction within the scope of the Agreement, including considering inquiries received from the other Party and providing substantive responses to such inquiries within five (5) business days from the date of receipt.
5.1.4. To use access to the "ORD-A" System and Personal Account in accordance with the objectives and tasks of the Agreement, as determined by the subject matter of the Agreement and Article 18.1 of Federal Law No. 38-FZ of March 13, 2006, "On Advertising."
5.2. Data Provider undertakes:
5.2.1. To timely transmit, in accordance with the deadlines established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, accurate, reliable, and complete information about online advertising (Data) through the "ORD-A" System, in accordance with the list established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in force at the time of transmission, and in accordance with the technical requirements of the "ORD-A" System.
5.2.2. Independently monitor the "Sending Status" and registration of Data in the Personal Account of the "ORD-A" System and correct any registration errors of the Data.
5.2.3. If there is a need for adjustments/changes to previously sent Data (including when the ADO or regulatory authorities identify incorrectness/inaccuracy of the transmitted Data, non-compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation; when updating the technical requirements for transmitting Data of the "ORD-A" System; in case of changes in technical requirements for the transfer of Data on the side of the ERIR system, etc.) at the request of the ADO, make corrections to the Data no later than seven (7) business days from the receipt of the corresponding notification from the ADO, unless a longer period is specified in the notification of the ADO.
5.2.4. To respond to requests from the Advertising Data Operator regarding the provision of information about the transmitted Data within three (3) business days.
5.2.5. To ensure the security of the login and password for access to the "ORD-A" System and protect access to the Personal Account from unauthorized access by unauthorized persons.
5.2.6. To accept the services provided and pay for them within the timeframes specified in the Agreement.
5.2.7. To notify of any changes in any information about the Data Provider provided at the conclusion of the Agreement, no later than ten (10) business days from the date of such change, by sending a notification to the email address
5.3. The Data Provider has the right:
5.3.1. To receive technical support for questions related to access to the "ORD-A" System and the use of the Personal Account.
5.3.2. To grant access to their Personal Account (provide login and password) to third parties authorized to input Data on behalf of the Data Provider. In this case, the Data Provider is solely responsible for the actions of such third parties within the scope of access granted to their Personal Account.
5.3.3. To grant access to their Data in the Data Provider's Personal Account to their partners (when selected in partnership mode).
5.4. The Advertising Data Operator has the right:
5.4.1. For the purpose of interaction with the authorized authority (Roskomnadzor), to form and send information to the authorized authority about discrepancies in advertising information identified as a result of monitoring, provided by the Data Provider and taken into account by the Advertising Data Operator.
5.4.2. To suspend access to the Personal Account in case of the Data Provider's breach of its obligations under the Agreement until the Data Provider rectifies such breaches.
5.4.3. During the term of the Agreement and after its termination, to identify the Data Provider as its client in its informational materials and presentations, including those intended for an unlimited audience, and to publish information about cooperation with the Data Provider, including its logo (trademark), on its website for the purpose of informing Users about such cooperation. The Data Provider has the right to withdraw their consent by sending a corresponding application to the Advertising Data Operator to the e-mail address specified in Section 10 of the Agreement.
5.4.4. To analyze the Data of past Reporting Periods submitted by the Data Provider in the “ORD-A” System to determine if any adjustments to the Data from previous periods were made by the Data Provider. If Data adjustments are detected, the ADO reserves the right to charge the Data Provider for the difference in the cost of Services calculated based on the Tariffs in effect at the time of closing of the respective Reporting Period.
5.5. Advertising Data Operator undertakes:
5.5.1. To ensure the creation and assignment of Advertising Identifiers to the Data uploaded by the Data Provider to the "ORD-A" System.
5.5.2. To transmit the Data to the Unified Register of Information Resources (ERIR) within one (1) day from the moment they are received in the "ORD-A" System.
5.5.3. To collect, analyze, store for a period of one (1) year, and timely transmit to the ERIR information about the online advertising distributed by the Data Provider, which was uploaded by the Data Provider to the "ORD-A" System.
5.5.4. To promptly notify those responsible for ensuring the implementation of this Agreement on the part of the Data Provider about the impossibility of transmitting or receiving Data, as well as about the occurrence of other unforeseen circumstances.
5.5.5. To ensure the operation of the "ORD-A" System for the purpose of fulfilling the Agreement. When conducting technical updates to the "ORD-A" System, the Advertising Data Operator shall notify the Data Provider of upcoming updates no later than seven (7) calendar days in advance, by sending a notification to the User's Personal Account.
5.6. Guarantees of the Advertising Data Operator:
5.6.1. The Advertising Data Operator guarantees that the "ORD-A" System complies with the requirements for computer programs used for tracking advertising on the Internet and providing information (Data) to the ERIR.
5.6.2. The Advertising Data Operator guarantees the integrity of the Data received from the Data Provider and transmitted to the ERIR, protection of information from intentional and unintentional information impact, protection against unauthorized access by third parties (except for cases for which the Data Provider is responsible), and compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on information and personal data protection.
5.7. The Data Provider warrants and guarantees:
5.7.1. That it provided accurate information about itself, including passport data, address, data on the state registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur when entering into the Agreement, and will promptly notify the Advertising Data Operator of any changes to such information in accordance with clause 5.2.6 of the Agreement.
5.7.2. That it possesses all the rights and authority to enter into and perform the Agreement. In the event that the Data Provider acts as an intermediary acting on behalf of advertisers, advertising distributors, advertising system operators, or other parties involved in the distribution of Advertising Materials, it is entitled to provide the Data of such parties to the Advertising Data Operator for transmission to Roskomnadzor.
5.7.3. That it maintains and keeps accounting and reporting documents for the period specified by the legislation, which accurately reflect the economic transactions of the Data Provider in connection with the execution of the Agreement, and also carries out internal control of accounting in accordance with applicable legislation. The Data Provider agrees to provide copies of such documents at the written request of the Advertising Data Operator during the term and after the termination of the Agreement (for the period specified by the legislation).
5.7.4. The completeness, timeliness, accuracy, and timeliness of providing Data to the "ORD-A" System, as well as the compliance of the Data with the requirements of the applicable laws of the Russian Federation.
5.7.5. The use of the Personal Account and access to the "ORD-A" System exclusively for the purpose of executing the Agreement and complying with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the registration of Advertising Materials in the ERIR and the transmission of Data to Roskomnadzor.