Tariff Plan of "ORD-A" LLC for provision of Services for collection and transmission of advertising Data
from 5000₽
from 1000₽
According to the Tariff zone
15₽ /1 megabyte
The cost of the service for the reporting period is including VAT. Download
30% discount for the first reporting period is available upon registration
- if during the Reporting Period, Services No. 2 and 3 were not provided, however Data about contracts, creatives (including assigning Advertising Identifiers), statistics, and acts was transmitted by the Data Provider using the “ORD-A” System;
- if for Services No. 2 and 3 (in total) the amount of charges (the cost of Services provided by the ADO in the respective Reporting Period) amounted to less than the Minimum Payment.
If the cost of Services No. 2 and 3 exceeds the Minimum Payment, then the Minimum Payment is not considered in the summation of Service costs. In this case, the cost for Services No. 2 and 3 is calculated collectively according to sections II and III.
No cost is charged if the Data Provider did not use the “ORD-A” System in the Reporting Period for the transmission of Data to ERIR.
- for the calculation, the total cost of statistics (information about creative posting) reported by the Data Provider in the Reporting Period is taken.
The values obtained during calculation are checked for compliance with the sum ranges in RUB (including VAT) listed in the table below.
Depending on the falling in the respective range, the Data Provider is charged a cost corresponding to the Tariff zone.
Calculations are carried out based on the Data at the end of the Reporting Period.
- is charged upon registration of a self-advertising creative;
- calculated based on the total transmitted volume of self-advertising for the Reporting Period, according to the Data contained in the Data Provider's Personal Account, based on the uploaded megabytes.
If after signing the Universal Transfer Document (UPD) for the Reporting Period, the Data Provider made adjustments to the Data for the closed Reporting Period, the ADO reserves the right to recalculate the cost of Services for the respective Reporting Period according to the Tariffs in effect at the time of closing the Reporting Period and to charge the Data Provider for the identified difference in the cost of Services.
The final cost calculation for the Services rendered in the Reporting Period shall be made at the end of the Reporting Period taking into account the discounts set by the ADO (information on discounts is available on the Website https://ord-a.ru/docs/promo/en) effective in the Reporting Period. Each Party shall independently pay all applicable taxes in accordance with the laws of its residency.